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SBVR12 — Clause 10.1.2 Vocabulary Clarifications

  • Key: SBVR12-82
  • Legacy Issue Number: 17792
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Rule ML Initiative ( Mr. Donald R. Chapin)
  • Summary:

    There are four small but inportant wording additions need to clarify three entries in the Clause 10.1.2:
    • In “possible world” and “universe of discourse” the word “object” has the signifier “thing” in sBVR
    • Make it clear that the “at some point in time” is the “present time of the possible word” as set forth in SBVr Clause 10.1.1.
    • The referents of “corresponding propositions or states of affairs” at the of the definition for ‘state of affairs’ is not clear.
    Make the clarifications as identifed in Issue Summary.
    Revised Text:
    ADD in the second sentence in the Note in the entry for “possible world” in Clause 10.1.2 on printed page 117 after the phrase “any given set of objects”:


    ADD to the end of the last sentence in the Note in the entry for “possible world” in Clause 10.1.2 on printed page 117:

    Thus, in the context of a static constraint declared for a given business domain, a “possible world” would correspond to (but not be identical to) a state of the domain’s fact model that could exist at some point in time.

    the following text:

    , which is the “present time” of the possible world.“

    ADD the word “respectively” at the end of the Definition in the entry for “state of affairs” in Clause 10.1.2 on printed page 119 after the phrase “set of objects”:

    ADD at the beginning of the Definition in the entry for “universe of discourse” in Clause 10.1.2 on printed page 120 after the phrase “set of objects”:


  • Reported: SBVR 1.1 — Wed, 26 Sep 2012 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — SBVR 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    Make the clarifications as identifed in Issue Summary

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT