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  1. OMG Issue

SACM2 — Reference to non-existent class

  • Key: SACM2-31
  • Legacy Issue Number: 19869
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: ( Timothy Rowe)
  • Summary:

    The text states that the ArgumentReasoning class has a reference structure:Argument[0..1]

    There is no Argument class defined. This should presumably be structure:Argumentation[0..1], as shown in Figure 9.1

  • Reported: SACM 1.1 — Mon, 14 Dec 2015 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Closed; No Change — SACM 2.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Typo has been removed

    This spurious typo has been removed and is no longer present in SACM.

  • Updated: Tue, 19 Dec 2017 20:05 GMT