SACM 1.1 RTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

SACM11 — Different Meanings of Different Variants/Versions of a Model Elements Need to be Labeled, e.g. for Claims

  • Key: SACM11-12
  • Legacy Issue Number: 16511
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: MITRE ( Mr. Samuel Redwine)
  • Summary:

    Claims and other items can have versions that simultaneously exist but have different meanings. For example, what a Claim might represent includes:
    • Required values
    • Planned values to be achieved
    • Supported (established, justified) values
    Two or more of these can be relevant at the same time.
    A suggestion has been made that SBVR be used (within associated properties?) to make this distinction. This would require that SBVR be available for these contents. Use of a TaggedValue is another possibility. Regardless of what mechanism is used, some standardization should be included for the key meanings.

    Placing this distinction within the contents of claim true-false statement might be more awkward and not make it as readily handled by tools as having it reside in a property.

    In any case, what is standardized needs to have precise definitions or distinguishable among multiple definitions (or explicitly made usage/implementation dependent?) as subtle variations in meaning are possible. Note that for some assertions differences might be entirely in the value for confidence.

  • Reported: ARM 1.0b1 — Thu, 25 Aug 2011 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — SACM 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Deferred as still valid for SACM

    This can be handled at present using the adhoc mechanism of TaggedValue. However, it is recognized that a more systematic solution is desirable. It is recognized that multiple stakeholders may have various roles with respect to assurance case elements (e.g. proposer, reviewer, endorsement). In addition, it could be useful to link these roles to a lifecycle model (similar to that proposed for Evidence in Section 7.7). This issue should be taken forward with the resolution of the change management and version control issue (16281), which was deferred in Ballot 4 (the 2nd Ballot of the SACM 1.1 RTF).

  • Updated: Tue, 21 Apr 2015 01:16 GMT