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  1. OMG Issue

SACM — Incorporate 7.2.9 EvidenceEvent (abstract) (p20) in a coherent way into merged SACM metamodel

  • Key: SACM-47
  • Legacy Issue Number: 16736
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Adelard LLP ( Luke Emmet)
  • Summary:

    Incorporate 7.2.9 EvidenceEvent (abstract) (p20) in a coherent way into merged SACM metamodel

  • Reported: SACM 1.0b1 — Tue, 29 Nov 2011 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — SACM 1.0b2
  • Disposition Summary:

    All references are against document ptc/2012-04-04
    move section 13.4 EvidenceEvent as the second section 13.2 in chapter 13 (after Custody,
    see resolution 16773).
    Change description of EvidenceEvents class diagram (section 13.4, page 60) from
    The EvidenceEvents Class Diagram focuses at the Events that determine the lifecycle of
    the evidence element, as well as the custody properties of the evidence element.
    EvidenceEvents allow storing the entire Chain of Custody of an evidence element.
    EvidenceEvents set the context for the time stamps and custody properties.
    EvidenceEvents are properties of owner object.
    The EvidenceEvents Class Diagram describes evidence statements related to the Events
    that determine the lifecycle of an evidence element.. EvidenceEvents set the context for
    additional timing, provenance and custody properties associated with each event of the
    subject evidence element. Therefore EvidenceEvents allow representing the entire Chain
    of Custody of the subject evidence element. EvidenceEvents statements are owned by the
    subject evidence element.
    Change the text describing the EvidenceEvent (section 13.4.1, page 61) into the
    following: EvidenceEvent represents statements related to the events in the lifecycle of an
    EvidenceItem. The lifecycle of an EvidenceItem is determined by several events, such as
    Creation, Acquisition or Derivation of an EvidenceItem, Transfer of an EvidenceItem,
    Evaluation of an EvidenceItem and Revocation of EvidenceItem. An EvidenceEvent
    statement describes a certain characteristic of the subject EvidenceItem. More complex
    Event statements can be constructed using the EvidenceEvent element by adding some
    properties that describe the detail of the event, such as the Provenance, Timing, and
    Custody. The entire chain of custody of an evidence item can be established by analyzing
    the EvidenceEvents of the item. Concrete evidence events are defined as subclasses of the
    EvidenceEvent element.
    EvidenceEvent represents statements related to the lifecycle events of the subject
    EvidenceItem. Further detail of the event are provided by the EvidenceProperty elements
    owned by the EvidenceEvent. The set of EvidenceEvent owned by an EvidenceItem
    establishes the chain of custody for the EvidenceItem.
    The EvidenceEvent element is an abstract class that establishes a relationship between the
    subject evidence item and the particular event description with its associated
    characteristics, defined by a particular concrete subclass of the EvidenceEvent element
    and its owned properties, such as CustodyProperty, Provenance, and TimingProperty.
    move sections 13.4.1-13.4.6 to section 13.2 EvidenceEvent
    remove class EvidenceProperty, CustodyProperty, CareOf, AtLocation, UsingProcess,
    Person, Organization and CollectionMethod from class diagram EvidenceEvent (and
    move them to new class diagram Custody, see resolution 16773).
    Change Figure 13.4 EvidenceEvent Class Diagram as follows: ,, figure on p 64 of ptc/2012-06-04

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT