Key: SACM-109
Legacy Issue Number: 16800
Status: closed
Source: Adelard LLP ( Luke Emmet)
Incorporate 11.4.1 EvidenceInterpretation (abstract) (p60) in a coherent way into merged SACM metamodel
Reported: SACM 1.0b1 — Tue, 29 Nov 2011 05:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — SACM 1.0b2
Disposition Summary:
Change rolename of the EvidenceElement in section 14.4.1, page 81, from: element:EvidenceElement[1]
Change rolename of EvidenceElement from 'element' into 'subject' on Figure 14.4
Add class ProvidesContext to diagram 14.4
Remove class ProvidesContext from Figure 14.7
Add definition of ProvidesContext after section 14.4.5 IsScopedBy (at the end of section
14.4) as follows:
"14.4.6. ProvidesContext
ProvidesContext element represents statements that assert that a certain evidence element
provides a context for the interpretation of another evidence element.
subject:EvidenceElement[1] The subject of the ProvidesContext clause
context:EvidenceElement[1] The element that is asserted to represent the context for the
ProvidesContext element establishes a relationship between two evidence elements where
the 'context' evidence element (usually an EvidenceGroup) provides a context for the
'subject' evidence element (usually a FormalAssertion, or an EvidenceAssertion). A
'context' is defined as the set of evidence elements (including evidence items, evidence
assertions and even project elements) that are important for understanding of the 'subject'
evidence element. The concept of a context is more informal than the related concept of
'scope' (see 'IsScopedBy' assertion).
Delete class Supercedes
Move class EvidenceGroup to EvidenceElements diagram
Move section 14.7.1 EvidenceGroup from section 14.7 to chapter 10 Evidence Elements
Delete section 14.7 Evaluation Context Class Diagram, pages 88-89
Replace Figure 14.4 with the following: diagrams on p 88 of ptc/2012-06-04 -
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT
SACM — Incorporate 11.4.1 EvidenceInterpretation (abstract) (p60) in a coherent way into merged SACM metamodel
- Key: SACM-109
- OMG Task Force: Structured Assurance Case Metamodel (SACM) FTF