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  1. OMG Issue

REQIF11 — Specification inconsistencies and misspelllings

  • Key: REQIF11-8
  • Legacy Issue Number: 16399
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: SODIUS ( Philippe Soulard)
  • Summary:

    §10.2 p29 Fig10.2: Identifiable-AlternativeID composition, ident back linkage is named (with multiplicity) but shown as not navigable, the §10.8.2 p39 is unclear
    §10.6.2 p36 Fig10.11: EnumValue-EmbeddedValue composition, properties role name, but multiplicity is 1 -> either * multiplicity or property role name
    §10.6.3 p37 Fig10.12: AttributeValueXHTML dual compositions, if treated as compositions, duplicate back linkage attributeValue role names -> better treated as attributes (similar strong composition)
    §10.8.3 p40 : AttributeDefinition, on composition, specType back linkage multiplicity should be 1 (and shown as 1 in Fig10.3 p30 ) -> 1 multiplicity
    §10.8.9 p46 : AttributeDefinitionSimple associations (including composition) are redundant (when implemented) with associations of concrete realizations (AttributeDefinitionInteger, Boolean, Date ...)) -> to be removed
    §10.8.18 p53 : AttributeValueSimple associations : same as AttributeDefinitionSimple -> to be removed
    §10.8.18 p54 : AttributeValueSimple : description and semantics are identical -> precise Semantics if required
    §10.8.20 p55 : AttributeValueXHTML : already noticed -> theValue and theOriginal should better be considered as attributes
    §10.8.28 p64 : DatatypeDefinitionString, maxLength attribute, spelled in lower cases, but spelled with a L upper case in Fig10.9 &10.10 -> maxLength for consistency
    §10.8.30 p66 : EmbeddedValue : description and semantics are identical -> precise Semantics if required
    §10.8.31 p66 : EnumValue : misspelling in role name of back linkage to DatatypeDefinitionEnumeration, missing 'y' and 'T' shoulf be 't' for consistencies -> datatypeDefEnum
    §10.8.31 p66 : EnumValue : properties association role name while 1 multiplicity, already mentioned
    §10.8.31 p67 : EnumValue : description and semantics are identical -> precise Semantics if required
    §10.8.32 p67 : Identifiable : oonstraint #2 are redundant with Identifier attribute description
    §10.8.35 p70 : ReqIFContent associations : redundant composition association with RelationGroupType and with SpecType
    §10.8.36 p71 : SpecHierarchy : description and semantics are identical -> precise Semantics if required
    §10.8.37 p73 : Specification : description and semantics are identical -> precise Semantics if required
    §10.8.40 p75 : SpecObjectType back linkage associations : redundant back linkage with SpecType, back to ReqIFContent
    §10.8.41 p76 : SpecRelation : description and semantics are identical -> precise Semantics if required
    §10.8.42 p77 : SpecRelationType back linkage associations : redundant back linkage with SpecType, back to ReqIFContent

    => the documentation should better be automatically generated from the UML model (document and diagrams would be consistent). Or at least, one should implement this metamodel from the spec in a tool to check the consistency.

  • Reported: ReqIF 1.0.1 — Fri, 29 Jul 2011 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — ReqIF 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    As this issue mentions several topics, each paragraph and the disposition for it is listed in the following table. As the disposition is either resolved or closed, this issue is considered resolved. see pages 7 - 8 of dtc/2012-11-01 for more details

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 23:16 GMT