Key: RAD-6
Legacy Issue Number: 3253
Status: closed
Source: 2AB ( Bob Burt)
The number of security policies supported by a PolicyEvaluator could be
arbitrarily large. Because of this the operation "list_policies" in the
PolicyEvaluatorAdmin interface might be changed to:PolicyNameIter list_policies(in num_ret, in max_iter, out
PolicyNameList policy_names);where max_iter is maximum number of entries held by the iterator, num_ret
is the maximum number of entries returned in the "out PolicyNameList list"
argument, and "policy_names" is sequence of PolicyNames having at most
"num_ret" entries. If the list of policy names has less than "num_ret"
entries, the iterator will be nil.The iterator interface would look like:
interface PolicyNameIter
{ long how_many(); boolean next_n(in long val, out PolicyNameList policy_names); void destroy(); };
Note this technique could be carried to the extreme for all those
operations that return a PolicyEvaluatorList. However, it seems less likely
that one would has assigned large numbers of evaluator in the same way one
might have large numbers of security policies. -
Reported: RAD 1.0b1 — Wed, 26 Jan 2000 05:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — RAD 1.0
Disposition Summary:
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 23:14 GMT