RAAML 1.1 RTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

RAAML11 — ISO 26262 is Reference is Outdated

  • Key: RAAML11-8
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Gaphor Project ( Dan Yeaw)
  • Summary:

    The current version of ISO 26262 is version 2018, the RAAML specification is referencing version 2011.

  • Reported: RAAML 1.0 — Sat, 23 Apr 2022 19:13 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — RAAML 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Update references to ISO 26262:2018

    The current version of ISO 26262 is ISO 26262:2018 and the version referenced in RAAML 1.0 is ISO 26262:2011. Need to revise reference to latest version and check for any additional changes with the new version.

  • Updated: Mon, 17 Jun 2024 13:38 GMT