RAAML 1.1 RTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

RAAML11 — Lack of consideration of Cut Sets

  • Key: RAAML11-5
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Engineer for Safety Limited ( Phil Williams)
  • Summary:

    The section focusses on probability as an attribute from FTA elements.
    This is arguably the least important attribute from FTA, particularly in system modeling and given the simplistic treatment of probability in this section.
    A far more valuable attribute from FTA is the cut set, or minimal cut set at any gate within the FTA hierarchy.
    This is a major shortfall that I believes renders the use of these profiles within system modeling very limited, particularly in early system work before the base event probabilities can be known. Even in later lifecycle phases, the simplistic treatment of probabilities that ignores real world interdependence renders the results from such modeling misleading at best.

  • Reported: RAAML 1.0b1 — Fri, 30 Apr 2021 10:41 GMT
  • Disposition: Closed; No Change — RAAML 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Cut set calculation is tool vendor responsibility

    The goal of the RAAML specification is to provide data structures that are sufficient to support FTA so that cut sets can be calculated. RAAML does not provide algorithms or implementations for cut set calculations. This is to be done by tool vendors implementing the RAAML specification.

  • Updated: Mon, 17 Jun 2024 13:38 GMT