RAAML 1.1 RTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

RAAML11 — Include Reliability Block Diagrams in RAAML

  • Key: RAAML11-17
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Aerospace Corporation ( Mr. Myron Hecht)
  • Summary:

    Define and propose modidfications to RAAML 1.1 to include reliability block diagrams

  • Reported: RAAML 1.0 — Sun, 4 Dec 2022 17:29 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — RAAML 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Define and propose modidfications to RAAML 1.1 to include reliability block diagrams

    Minor changes in front matter (Chapters 1 through 7), add a new section on RBDs at the end of Chapter 9 (profile and library) and a new section on RBDs at the end of Chapter 10 (Views). See the attached .docx files for content of these new sections.
    A Reliability Block Diagram (RBD) is a graphical representation used in reliability engineering to analyze the reliability and availability of complex systems. It is a method for assessing the performance of systems composed of multiple components, sub-systems, or processes. In an RBD, system elements (components or groups of components defined as an assemblies, subsystems, or other system architectural elements) are depicted as blocks, and these blocks are connected by lines to represent how they are interconnected or dependent on each other. The goal is to evaluate the overall reliability and availability of the entire system by considering the reliability characteristics of each component and their interconnections

  • Updated: Mon, 17 Jun 2024 13:38 GMT
  • Attachments: