Key: RAAML-39
Status: closed
Source: Engineer for Safety Limited ( Phil Williams)
AbstractEvent is introduced as a derivative of AnySituation. 9.1 defines the situation concept based on state. It is not obvious how an event can be a state when interpreted from the perspective of the fault modeling techniques in scope of this document.
Reported: RAAML 1.0b1 — Fri, 30 Apr 2021 10:06 GMT
Disposition: Closed; No Change — RAAML 1.0
Disposition Summary:
Current description is sufficient
The word "state" as used in the definition of Situation can apply not only to the system under analysis but also to its environment. The states of the environment can be used as events triggering changes in system states.
Updated: Thu, 31 Mar 2022 19:32 GMT
RAAML — Clarity of concept of 'Event'
- Key: RAAML-39
- OMG Task Force: Risk Analysis and Assessment Modeling Language (RAAML) 1.0 FTF