Key: QVT11-32
Legacy Issue Number: 12520
Status: closed
Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Dr. Edward Willink)
Use of automated tooling to support comparison of the models developed
initially as part of the Eclipse GMT/UMLX project and being transferred to the
Eclipse QVT Declarative/QVT Operational Mappings Projects reveals the following
errors and anomalies in emof.ecore in the 07-07-08 ZIP.Note that these errors and anomalies are not the same as those separately reported
for the QVT_1.0.mdl from which the Ecore was notionally auto-generated.An Ecore file resolving these anomalies is attached.
'nsURI' for 'EMOF' should be 'http://schema.omg.org/spec/MOF/2.0/emof.xml' rather than 'http:///emof.ecore'
'name' for 'EMOF' should be 'EMOF' rather than 'emof'
'name' for 'Property.isID' should be 'isID' rather than 'isId'
'Factory' should be defined
'ReflectiveCollection' should be defined
'ReflectiveSequence' should be defined
'Comment.body' should be defined
'Factory.package' should be defined
'Element.tag' should be undefined
'eOpposite' for 'Tag.element' should be undefined
'lowerBound' for 'Operation.class' should be '0' rather than '1'
'lowerBound' for 'Type.package' should be '0' rather than '1'
'lowerBound' for 'Property.class' should be '0' rather than '1'
'ordered' for 'Class.superClass' should be 'false' rather than 'true'
'ordered' for 'Comment.annotatedElement' should be 'false' rather than 'true'
'ordered' for 'Element.ownedComment' should be 'false' rather than 'true'
'ordered' for 'Operation.raisedException' should be 'false' rather than 'true'
'ordered' for 'Package.nestedPackage' should be 'false' rather than 'true'
'ordered' for 'Package.ownedType' should be 'false' rather than 'true'
'ordered' for 'Tag.element' should be 'false' rather than 'true'
'defaultValueLiteral' for 'Class.isAbstract' should be 'false' rather than undefined
'defaultValueLiteral' for 'MultiplicityElement.isOrdered' should be 'false' rather than undefined
'defaultValueLiteral' for 'MultiplicityElement.isUnique' should be 'true' rather than undefined
'defaultValueLiteral' for 'MultiplicityElement.lower' should be '1' rather than undefined
'defaultValueLiteral' for 'MultiplicityElement.upper' should be '1' rather than undefined
'defaultValueLiteral' for 'Property.isComposite' should be 'false' rather than undefined
'defaultValueLiteral' for 'Property.isDerived' should be 'false' rather than undefined
'defaultValueLiteral' for 'Property.isReadOnly' should be 'false' rather than undefined
'Element.container()' should be defined
'Element.equals(object)' should be defined
'Element.get(property)' should be defined
'Element.getMetaClass()' should be defined
'Element.isSet(property)' should be defined
'Element.set(property,object)' should be defined
'Element.unset(property)' should be defined
'Extent.elements()' should be defined
'Extent.useContainment()' should be defined
'Factory.convertToString(dataType,object)' should be defined
'Factory.create(metaClass)' should be defined
'Factory.createFromString(dataType,string)' should be defined
'ReflectiveCollection.add(object)' should be defined
'ReflectiveCollection.addAll(objects)' should be defined
'ReflectiveCollection.clear()' should be defined
'ReflectiveCollection.remove(object)' should be defined
'ReflectiveCollection.size()' should be defined
'ReflectiveSequence.add(index,object)' should be defined
'ReflectiveSequence.get(index)' should be defined
'ReflectiveSequence.remove(index)' should be defined
'ReflectiveSequence.set(index,object)' should be defined
'Type.isInstance(object)' should be defined
'URIExtent.contextURI()' should be defined
'URIExtent.element(uri)' should be defined
'URIExtent.uri(element)' should be defined
Unnavigable 'opposite' of 'Class.superClass' should be modelled
Unnavigable 'opposite' of 'Element.ownedComment' should be modelled
Unnavigable 'opposite' of 'Package.nestedPackage' should be modelled
Unnavigable 'opposite' of 'Property.opposite' should be modelled -
Reported: QVT 1.0 — Fri, 6 Jun 2008 04:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — QVT 1.1
Disposition Summary:
No Data Available
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT
QVT11 — Errors and anomalies in QVT 1.0 07-07-08 ZIP emof.ecore
- Key: QVT11-32
- OMG Task Force: QVT RTF 1.1