Key: PDME-17
Legacy Issue Number: 1745
Status: open
Source: Anonymous
Summary: D) In the Configuration module, the ProductRootToComponent-Relationship should be changed to
run from a ProductClass to a ProductComponent. We see the need to be able to freely associate
ProductComponents to ProductClass definitions. Currently the ProductRootToComponent runs
from ProductComponents only to ProductRootClasses, therefore causing heavy limitations.This
relationship should also have it’s cardinality altered from currently 1:n to a more flexible m:n,
allowing ProductComponents to appear in many ProductClasses, and to associate many
ProductComponents to a ProductClass, which is how it is used by many of our customers
especially from the automotive section. -
Reported: PDME 1.0b1 — Mon, 27 Jul 1998 04:00 GMT
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT