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  1. OMG Issue

OCL21 — 8.2.2 Well-formedness Rules for the Types Package

  • Key: OCL21-290
  • Legacy Issue Number: 11085
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: YMS ( Peter Klein)
  • Summary:

    Thhis expression context TupleType inv: TupleType.allInstances()>forAll (t | ( t.allProperties()>forAll (tp | – make sure at least one tuplepart has the same name – (uniqueness of tuplepart names will ensure that not two – tupleparts have the same name within one tuple) self.allProperties()>exists(stp|stp.name = tp.name) and – make sure that all tupleparts with the same name conforms. self.allProperties()>forAll(stp | (stp.name = tp.name) and stp.type.conformsTo(tp.type)) ) implies self.conformsTo(t) ) ) should be context TupleType inv: TupleType.allInstances()>forAll (t | ( t.allProperties()>forAll (tp | – make sure at least one tuplepart has the same name – (uniqueness of tuplepart names will ensure that not two – tupleparts have the same name within one tuple) self.allProperties()>exists(stp|stp.name = tp.name) and – make sure that all tupleparts with the same name conforms. self.allProperties()>forAll(stp | (stp.name = tp.name) implies stp.type.conformsTo(tp.type)) ) implies self.conformsTo(t) ) ) it means "implies" instead of "and" in this part: (stp.name = tp.name) and stp.type.conformsTo(tp.type)

  • Reported: OCL 2.0 — Thu, 31 May 2007 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — OCL 2.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    No Data Available

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT