Key: OCL21-226
Legacy Issue Number: 7513
Status: closed
Source: OpenModeling ( Jos Warmer)
5. – [3] All sub evaluations (in the sequence bodyEvals) have a different
– environment. The environment is the same environment as the one from the
– previous bodyEval, where the iterator variable or variables are bound to the
– subsequent elements of the source.
context LoopExpEval
let SS: Integer = source.value->size()
in if iterators->size() = 1 then
Sequence->forAll( i: Integer |
bodyEvals->at.environment = bodyEvals->at(i-1).environment
>replace( NameValueBinding( iterators>at(1).varName,
else – iterators->size() = 2
Sequence->forAll( i: Integer |
bodyEvals->at.environment = bodyEvals->at(i-1).environment
>replace( NameValueBinding( iterators>at(1).varName,
source->asSequence()->at(i.div(SS) + 1) ))
>replace( NameValueBinding( iterators>at(2).varName,
source.value->asSequence()->at(i.mod(SS)) )) ) endif
==> two closing brackets before ’endif’ should be removed -
Reported: OCL 2.0b2 — Thu, 10 Jun 2004 04:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — OCL 2.1
Disposition Summary:
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT