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OARIS2 — track_phase_type DELETED enumerate

  • Key: OARIS2-4
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: QinetiQ ( Jon Astle)
  • Summary:

    The enumerator DELETED has been reinstated back in track_phase_type. This does question why the enumerator was renamed NOT_USED in version 1.1, in preference for the use of topic delete. Actually, having reinstated DELETED back in the IDL over using topic delete is a benefit since it makes track lifecycle easier. It is also not clear how INACTIVE assists and how long a track stays in this state before it is LOST. This is not documented but assumed to be sensor specific.

    Parameter track_phase_type changed between 1.1 and 2.0. DELETED that was removed in 1.1 is now back!
    OARIS 1.1
    // The detection lifecycle phase of the track
    enum track_phase_type

    { // DEAD_RECKONED DEAD_RECKONED, // Delete enumeration not used for DDS; dispose topic instance instead. NOT_USED, // LOST LOST, // TRACKED TRACKED }


    OARIS 2.0
    // The detection lifecycle phase of the track
    enum track_phase_type

    { // Track provided based on extrapolated position (dead-reckoned) DEAD_RECKONED, // Track has been deleted. DELETED, // Track has been lost LOST, // Regular update of new and existing track TRACKED, // No new measurements were available to contribute to this track at the last // opportunity to do so. It is expected that should such measurements be made at the // next opportunity, these will successfully update the track. INACTIVE }


  • Reported: OARIS 2.0b1 — Sun, 13 Mar 2022 16:52 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — OARIS 2.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Remove DELETED attribute and specific delete operation

    The reappearance of the DELETED attribute in the DDS PSM was an error. It was an unintentional consequence of a change of approach to DDS IDL generation.
    Having added also added a GraphQL PSM that also has has technology specific convention for deleting data, it makes sense to remove this from the PIM as well. At the PIM level the ability for a sensor to indicate that it has deleted a track is required and should be added. This method would be mapped to DDS API and general GraphQL mapping for the PSMs.
    The INACTIVE enumerate was added to the v2.0 proposal for the case of passive sensors where the signal is expected to be intermittent.

  • Updated: Tue, 27 Sep 2022 12:48 GMT