Key: KERML_-57
Status: open
Source: NIST ( Mr. Conrad Bock)
Clause (Feature Declaration) and (Feature) say
Portion features are composite features where the values cannot exist without the whole, because they are the “same thing” as the whole. (For example, the portion of a person's life when they are a child cannot be added or removed from that person's life.)
isPortion : Boolean
Whether the values of this Feature are contained in the space and time of instances of the domain of the Feature and represent the same thing as those instances.and Clause (Occurrences Overview) includes an extended description of time and space modeling in occurrences. But the specification does not explain how to model things (objects and performances) at specific times or places, versus over time or space. For example, cars are driven by one person at a time, but potentially many people over time. How should these multiplicities be specified? See other examples in comments on
KERML-204. -
Reported: KerML 1.0b1 — Mon, 1 Jan 2024 16:02 GMT
Updated: Thu, 6 Mar 2025 00:08 GMT
- Connectors.svg 400 kB (image/svg+xml)
- FeatureMembership.png 20 kB (image/png)
- TypeFeaturing.png 29 kB (image/png)
- math-redef.png 43 kB (image/png)
- model-lib-var-1.txt 2 kB (text/plain)
- model-lib-var-2.txt 5 kB (text/plain)
- model-lib-var-3.pdf 26 kB (application/pdf)
- sequence-formalization-alternatives.png 259 kB (image/png)
KERML_ — Time and space life/slice/portion modeling patterns are missing
- Key: KERML_-57
- OMG Task Force: Kernel Modeling Language (KerML) 1.0 FTF 2