Key: KDM14-36
Legacy Issue Number: 12874
Status: closed
Source: Office of the Secretary of Defense ( Larry Wagoner)
"Constraints" sub-section in the descriptions seems to be rarely needed. That is not a problem, but I read through many
sections wondering what it was used for and why it appeared. Might be useful to enter a "None" beneath each one with
no constraints so it is clear that it is a placeholder and that there are no constraints for that section. -
Reported: KDM 1.1 — Wed, 24 Sep 2008 04:00 GMT
Disposition: Closed; No Change — KDM 1.4
Disposition Summary:
This issue has been disposed in KDM RTF 1.3
This issue has been disposed as duplicate in KDM RTF 1.3, ballot 1
Updated: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 14:44 GMT
KDM14 — "Constraints" sub-section in the descriptions seems to be rarely needed
- Key: KDM14-36
- OMG Task Force: ADM KDM 1.4 RTF