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  1. OMG Issue

KDM13 — There should be no references from lower KDM layers to higher layers

  • Key: KDM13-19
  • Legacy Issue Number: 15305
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Benchmark Consulting ( Alain Picard)
  • Summary:

    In the preface to part III we have the following:

    KDM is designed in such a way that the Resource level analysis can use KDM models from the Platform Elements Layer as input and produce Resource Layer models as output. There should be no references from lower KDM layers to higher layers; therefore, new Resource Layer models can be built on top of existing Program Element layer models.

    Couple of points:

    1. There is no “Platform Elements Layer”. As shown in the next sentence it should probably read “Program Elements Layer” which is part II.

    2. The 2 places where it refers to “Resource Layer” might be renamed to “Runtime Resources Layer” to better match the part title.

  • Reported: KDM 1.2 — Fri, 25 Jun 2010 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — KDM 1.3
  • Disposition Summary:

    Page 159, replace “commpon properties of the Resource Layer” with “common properties of the
    Runtime Resources Layer”
    (After bullets) Replace “Since Resource Layer” with “Since “Runtime Resources Layer”
    Replace “a way that the Resource Layer” with “a way that the Runtime Resources Layer”
    Replace “produce Resource Layer models” with “produce Runtime Resources Layer
    Replace “new Resource Layer models” with “new Runtime Resources Layer models”
    Replace “Platform Elements Layer as input” with “Program Elements Layer as input”
    Replace “Resource Layer package systematically: with “Packages of the Runtime
    Resources Layer”
    Bullet 1 replace “Each Resource Layer package defines” with “Each Runtime Resources
    Layer package defines”
    Bullet 2 replace “Each Resource Layer package defines” with “Each Runtime Resources
    Layer package defines”
    Bullet 2 replace “Each Resource Layer package defines” with “Each Runtime Resources
    Layer package defines”
    Replace “modularity between Resource Layer packages” with “modularity between
    KDM packages”
    Page 160
    Bullet 5 replace “elements of Resource Layer package” with “elements of Runtime
    Resources Layer package”
    Bullet 6 replace “Each Resource Layer package defines” with “Each Runtime Resources
    Layer package defines” After bullets: replace “Resource Layer packages are independent” with “Runtime
    Resources Layer packages are independent”
    Replace “action containers in Resource Layer models” with “action containers in
    Runtime Resources Layer models”
    In the next bulleted list replace “Resource Layer patterns” with “Runtime Resources
    Layer patterns”

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:57 GMT