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  1. OMG Issue

KDM12 — ISO standard documents are described with "shall", "should" and "may" (JP-8)

  • Key: KDM12-64
  • Legacy Issue Number: 13829
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: KDM Analytics ( Dr. Nikolai Mansourov)
  • Summary:

    Suggested resolution: Define this standard with "shall", "should" and "may".

  • Reported: KDM 1.1 — Tue, 24 Mar 2009 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — KDM 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    Modify table 2.1 Compliance statement by adding phrase “Compliant tool shall: in each cell and
    adding bullets to each requirement.
    Make the following editorial changes:
    L0 Import-Analysis:
    support specified mapping between KDM and existing model in the tool;
    implement mapping between KDM and existing internal representation of the tool;
    Add word “support”:
    extend operations of existing tool to support traceability to the physical artifacts of the application
    from Source package.
    Add word “demonstrate” in front to “L0 compliance”
    In semantic sections – change “it is implementer’s responsibility” to “the implementer shall”
    (below we only show the new version of the sentence with the changed phrase underlined):
    Source package:
    Page 45
    The implementer shall arrange inventory elements into one or more inventory models. KDM import tools
    shall not make any assumptions about the organization of inventory items into inventory models.
    Page 47:
    The implementer shall provide a mapping from concrete types of the physical artifacts involved in the
    engineering of the existing software system into concrete subclasses of the InventoryItem. The
    implementer shall map each artifact of the existing software system to some instance of KDM
    Page 51:
    The implementer shall capture certain aspects knowledge of the engineering process in the form of
    “DependsOn” relations between inventory items.
    Page 53:
    The implementer shall provide adequate traceability links.
    Code package The implementer shall arrange code elements into one or more code models.
    Page 65
    The implementer shall select an appropriate subclass of the Module element.
    Page 66
    The implementer shall add such files to the InventoryModel.
    Page 110
    Change “The implementer will have the choice to either”
    The implementer shall either:
    Page 112
    Change “This is up to the implementer” into
    The implementer may provide additional information using stereotypes.
    Page 113
    Change “KDM does not restrict implementers whether to clone the included code
    elements or to reuse them and keep a single copy in the SharedUnit. However, many
    KDM implementations will usually clone the elements of the SharedUnit. “ into
    The implementer may either clone the included code elements or to reuse them and keep a single copy in
    the SharedUnit. The recommended approach is to clone the elements of the SharedUnit.
    Page 114
    The implementer shall select a particular strategy to represent macro units
    Page 116
    The implementer shall identify and represent associations between MacroUnits, as well as a
    MacroDirective and the corresponding MacroUnit according to the semantics of the preprocessor.
    Page 119
    The implementer shall identify and represent include relationships according to the semantics of the
    particular preprocessor.
    Page 120
    The implementer shall identify and represent the variants and associations between the “generated” code
    and the corresponding conditional directive according to the semantics of the preprocessor.
    Page 121
    The implementer shall identify and represent redefinitions of macro units according to the semantics of the
    particular preprocessor.
    Page 123
    The implementer shall make an adequate decision on how to associate line comments with the surrounding
    elements in the source code.
    Page 127 The implementer shall identify and represent import directives and their targets according to the semantics
    of the programming language of the existing software system.
    Action package
    Page 131
    The implementer shall select the granularity of the action elements.
    Page 131
    The implementer shall map programming language statements and other descriptions of behavior into
    KDM ActionElements.
    Page 134
    The implementer shall map control flow mechanisms of the given programming language into ControlFlow
    meta-elements. The implementer shall adequately represent the control flows of the existing system by a set
    of action elements and ControlFlow relationships between them.
    Page 150
    The implementer shall identify and represent these associations according to the semantics of the
    programming language of the existing software system.
    Micro actions
    Page 154; constraint 1 “should” change into “shall”
    Platform package
    Page 165
    The implementer shall arrange platform elements into one or more platform models.
    Page 168
    The implementer shall identify runtime resources used by the existing software system according to the
    semantics of the platform used by the existing system, resource configuration files, and other appropriate
    sources of information.
    Page 175
    The implementer shall correctly associate the platform resource with the corresponding logical definition of
    this resource (usually a Signature, an Interface, or a Package).
    UI package
    Page 184
    The implementer shall arrange user-interface elements into one or more UIModel containers.
    Page 185
    The implementer shall map specific user interface element types determined by the particular user-interface
    system of the existing software system, into concrete subclasses of the AbstractUIElement. The
    implementer shall map each user interface element into some instance of the AbstractUIElement.
    Implementation elements are one or more ComputationalObjects or ActionElements from some
    CodeModel that are represented by the current UI element. “Abstraction” actions may be used to represent
    precise semantics of the UI Element. Page 185
    The implementer shall map specific user interface association types determined by the particular userinterface
    system of the existing software system, into concrete subclasses of the AbstractUIRelationship.
    The implementer shall map each user interface association into some instance of the
    Event package
    Page 196
    The implementer shall arrange event elements into one or more event models.
    Data package
    Page 208
    The implementer shall arrange the instances of the data elements into one or more DataModels.
    Build package
    Page 285
    The implementer shall capture the input build elements for a certain build step in the form of “Consumes”
    Page 286
    The implementer shall capture the output build elements for a certain build step in the form of “Produces”
    Page 286
    The implementer shall capture the required Tool elements for a certain build step in the form of
    “SupportedBy” relation.
    Page 287
    The implementer shall capture the origin of build elements in the form of “SuppliedBy” relation.
    Page 287
    The implementer shall capture the description of a certain build step in the form of “DescribedBy” relation
    to some BuildDescription element.

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:57 GMT