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  1. OMG Issue

KDM12 — Align structure package with ISO 42010 (rh-12)

  • Key: KDM12-55
  • Legacy Issue Number: 13303
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: KDM Analytics ( Dr. Nikolai Mansourov)
  • Summary:

    Related to 19.1

    "The Structure package defines constructs for defining the high level abstraction of the organization of a software system." Some might call this "architecture". If that is intent, the capabilities of this clause should be aligned with those of existing architecture standards such as ISO 42010, which has a rich ontology (and metamodel) of architectural "assets". Users of that standard should be able to model assets using this DIS, but there is no clear connection, and the current Structure package looks inadequate to conduct this modeling.

    Align with ISO 42010, or explain why it is excluded from software assets of interest.

  • Reported: KDM 1.1 — Fri, 16 Jan 2009 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — KDM 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    Change paragraph page 255, section 19.1:
    Structure package defines constructs for defining the high level abstraction of the organization of a
    software system. The Structure model constructs specify how the software’s divisions and subdivisions
    down to the modules defined in the Code Package.
    The form of the system may be presented as a single form or a set of layers components, subsystems, or
    packages. The reach of this representation extends from a uniform architecture to entire family of modulesharing
    The Structure model is a collection of StructuralElement instances.
    Packages are the leaf elements of the Structure model, representing a division of a system’s Code Modules
    into discrete, non-overlapping parts. An undifferentiated architecture is represented by a single Package.
    StructuralGroup recursively gathers StructuralElements to portray various architectural divisions. The
    Software System subclass provides a gathering point for all the system’s packages directly or indirectly
    through other Structure elements. The packages may be further separated into Subsystems, Layers, and
    Components, or Architecture Views.
    Structure package defines meta-model elements that represent architectural components
    of existing software systems, such as subsystems, layers, packages, etc. and define
    traceability of these elements to other KDM facts for the same system.
    Change sentence page 255, section 19.1: Structure package defines constructs for
    defining the high level abstraction of the organization of a software system. The Structure
    model constructs specify how the software’s divisions and subdivisions down to the
    modules defined in the Code Package.
    Into Structure package defines meta-model elements that represent architectural components
    of existing software systems, such as subsystems, layers, packages, etc. and define
    traceability of these elements to other KDM facts for the same system. Structure model
    defines an architectural viewpoint. The architectural views based on the viewpoint
    defined by the Structure model represent how the structural elements of the software
    system are related to the modules defined in the Code views that correspond to the Code
    architectural viewpoint defined by the Code model. The architectural viewpoint is
    defined as follows.
    This text will be followed by the definition of the Structural architecture viewpoint from
    the resolution to issue 13301.
    Add the following paragraphs to the end of section 19.1
    The organization of the system may be presented as a single Structure view or a set of multiple Structure
    view showing layers, components, subsystems, or packages. The reach of this representation extends from
    a uniform architecture to entire family of module-sharing subsystems.
    The Structure model owns a collection of StructuralElement instances.
    Packages are the leaf elements of the Structure model, representing a division of a system’s Code Modules
    into discrete, non-overlapping parts. An undifferentiated architecture is represented by a single Package.
    StructuralGroup recursively gathers StructuralElements to represent various architectural divisions. The
    Software System subclass provides a gathering point for all the system’s packages directly or indirectly
    through other Structure elements. The packages may be further grouped into Subsystems, Layers, and
    Components, or Architecture Views.

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:57 GMT