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KDM12 — Clarification on KDM package - kdm package/ Core - core etc needed

  • Key: KDM12-22
  • Legacy Issue Number: 12872
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Office of the Secretary of Defense ( Larry Wagoner)
  • Summary:

    Overall comments – I found it somewhat confusing to have differences between items just dependent
    on case (e.g. KDM package and kdm package, Core and core, etc.) when the items refer to very
    different things. This occurs with several things. Not sure whether this can be fixed or made more

    clear as to the distinction, but it was a source of confusion for me in reading it.

  • Reported: KDM 1.1 — Wed, 24 Sep 2008 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — KDM 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    Page 4 “L0 compliance point” replace “as defined in the Kdm package” into “as defined in the
    package named “kdm” (in 2 columns)
    Page 7 top replace “Chapter 10. KDM package” into “Chapter 10. The Package named “kdm””
    Page 15: replace
    “In particular, each KDM package depends on the Core package” into “In particular, each
    package depends on the Core package”.
    Replace “Also, each package depends on the kdm package” into “Also, each package depends
    on the package with name “kdm”.
    Replace “Each KDM package above the kdm package defines a KDM Model,…” Into “Each
    package above the package with name “kdm” in Figure 8.1 defines a viewpoint,…”.
    Replace “The Kdm package provides the infrastructure for all KDM models.” Into “The package
    with name “kdm” provides the infrastructure for all viewpoints.”
    Replace “The nature of the dependency on the kdm package is twofold. First each package
    defines a subclass of the KDMModel class defined in the kdm package. Second, each kdm
    package provides several concrete classes that are instantiated in each KDM representation as
    part of the infrastructure. Kdm package defines several important mechanisms that are used by
    all KDM models: the annotation mechanism, the mechanism of user-defined attributes, and the
    light-weight extension mechanism. The meta-model elements that support these mechanisms
    can be instantiated by any KDM model.” Into
    “The nature of the dependency on the package with name “kdm” is as folllowes. First each
    package defines a subclass of the KDMModel class defined in that package. Second, each
    package provides several concrete classes that are instantiated in each KDM instance as part of
    the infrastructure. Third, the package with name “kdm” defines several important mechanisms
    that are used by all KDM models: the annotation mechanism, the mechanism of user-defined
    attributes, and the light-weight extension mechanism. The corresponding meta-model elements
    can be instantiated by any KDM model.”
    Page 16: replace “The Kdm package provides static context shared by all KDM models.” Into
    “The package with name “kdm” provides shared context for all KDM models”.
    Page 13 (page 43 of the ptc2009-06-05 – looks like there is a glitch in page numbers)
    Replace “The kdm package defines several elements that together constitute the framework of
    each KDM representation” into “The package with name “kdm” defines several elements that
    together constitute the framework of each KDM instance”
    Page 14 Replace “for which the KDM representation is created” into “For which the KDM views
    are created”
    Page 15 (section 9.2) replace “The KDM uses packages” into “The KDM specification uses
    Replace “The KDM Core package consists” into “The Core package consists”
    Page 17 (page 47 of the ptc2009-06-15, 2nd line) replace “defined in the kdm package” into
    “defined in the package named “kdm” Page 25, change title of section 10 from “KDM Package” into “The Package named “kdm” “
    Page 25 (section 10.1) 1st paragraph replace “The Kdm package defines” into “The package with
    name “kdm” defines”
    Same paragraph: Replace “KDM representations” into “KDM views” (2 times)
    Replace “are instances of the KDM (which is a meta-model)” into “are collections of the elements
    that are instances of the meta-model elements defined by the KDM specification”.
    Section 10.1 paragraph 2: Replace “Kdm package describes” into “The package named “kdm”
    Change title of 10.2 into “Organization of the KDM framework”
    Replace “The Kdm package is a collection “ into “The package with name “kdm” is a collection”
    In the last paragraph on page 25 replace “The Kdm package consists” into “The package with
    name “kdm” consists”
    Replace “of the kdm framework” into “of the KDM framework”
    Page 12 replace “Core, kdm and Source. Core and kdm packages” into “Core, “kdm” and Source.
    The Core package and the package named “kdm” “
    Page 26 replace “The Kdm package depends” into “The package with name “kdm” depends”
    Page 27 replace “Each KDM Framework is the container” into “These elements are containers”
    Change index: replace 2 items “KDM package 9” and “Kdm package 25” with “Package named
    “kdm” 9,25
    Page 13 (page 43 of PDF) Change “of one of the core classes” into “of one of the classes defined
    in the Core package”
    Replace “Small KDM Core” into “The Core package”
    Page 15 replace “Core KDM package” into “The Core package”
    Page 129 delete duplicate “Core” bullet
    Page 145 replace “with the core” into “with the code”
    Page 186 (page 223 of the PDF) replace “subclass core meta-model elements from the KDM
    Core package” into “are related to the meta-model elements defined in the Core package”
    Page 198 17.4 replace “inherit core meta-model classes from KDM Code package” into “inherit
    meta-model elements from the Core package”.
    Page 210 replace “various data classes derive from the Core KDM classes” into “the meta-model
    elements defined in the Data package are related to the meta-model elements defined in the
    Core package”
    Replace “KDM Core package” into “Core package”
    Page 259 replace “various data classes are types of Core KDM classes” into “the meta-model
    elements of the Structure package are related to the meta-model elements of the Core package.”
    Replace “KDM classes defined within the KDM Core package” into “meta-model elements defined
    in the Core package”
    Page 282 replace “in the KDM Core package” into “in the Core package”

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:57 GMT