KDM 1.1 RTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

KDM11 — upper bound of the container end of a composition shown as unbounded

  • Key: KDM11-39
  • Legacy Issue Number: 13397
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Adaptive ( Mr. Gene Mutschler)
  • Summary:

    In the base zip file for KDM 1.2, I imported the KDM_1.1.cmof file into the Rose CMOF addin to verify it, since Adaptive supports the current version of KDM and will probably support 1.2. I found an error where the upper bound of the container end of a composition was shown as unbounded (the A_group_groupedElement association on the KDMEntity class). When I communicated this to Nikolai, he indicated that the problem was that this relation should not be composite. He sent a provisional CMOF file that changed the nature of the association that I was able to import successfully. This issue is filed to track this problem and insure that the change that was made appears in the final CMOF file.

  • Reported: KDM 1.0 — Fri, 30 Jan 2009 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — KDM 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Change the algorithm of mechanical production of the CMOF definition of KDM, by providing
    special treatment for KDM group associations.
    This correctly produces isDerived=true for ownedElement, and isDerived=false for
    <ownedAttribute xmi:id='P_O_9252407' xmi:type='cmof:Property'
    isOrdered='false' isDerivedUnion='true' isDerived='true'
    isReadOnly='true' type='C_12313807' name='ownedElement' lower='0'
    upper='*' isComposite='true' association='A_1' />
    <ownedAttribute xmi:id='P_D_9252407' xmi:type='cmof:Property'
    isDerivedUnion='true' isDerived='true' isReadOnly='true'
    type='C_12313807' name='ownerProperty' lower='0' upper='1'
    isComposite='false' association='A_1' />
    <ownedAttribute xmi:id='P_O_11837032' xmi:type='cmof:Property'
    isOrdered='false' isDerivedUnion='true' isDerived='true'
    isReadOnly='true' type='C_12313807' name='groupedElement' lower='0'
    upper='*' isComposite='false' association='A_36' />
    <ownedAttribute xmi:id='P_D_11837032' xmi:type='cmof:Property'
    isDerivedUnion='true' isDerived='true' isReadOnly='true'
    type='C_12313807' name='groupProperty' lower='0' upper='*'
    isComposite='false' association='A_36' />
    Also in order to avoid duplication derived union properties “owner”, “group” and “model” are
    automatically renamed to ownerProperty, groupProperty and modelProperty respectively.
    This change is performed automatically in the process of converting the
    UML Rose diagrams into CMOF. The unique ids of the cmof elements may
    change during the conversion.

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:57 GMT