Key: JAV2I14-3
Legacy Issue Number: 5853
Status: open
Source: Oracle ( Andrew Piper)
Section 1.6.1 states:
"A call to exportObject with no objects exported creates a non-daemon thread that
keeps the Java virtual machine alive until all exported objects have been unexported by
calling unexportObject."However, there is no implicit way to unexport objects and so this places the burden on the users to do so. It may be that users are not exporting objects themselves but using some layered product that does so - in this case they would have to call a shutdown API in order for their program to exit. All of these solutions are non-intuitive and not helpful to the user who forgets to call the requied API - their program just does not exit.
I would like to suggest that this behavior be configurable in some way, either via exportObject or via properties so that users and implementors can choose whether or not a particular exported object should cause the VM to stay alive.
Reported: JAV2I 1.2 — Fri, 7 Feb 2003 05:00 GMT
Updated: Wed, 11 Mar 2015 11:15 GMT