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JAV2I14 — Custom Marshaling Format Clarification

  • Key: JAV2I14-1
  • Legacy Issue Number: 5879
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Consider the following Java classes:

    public class A implements java.io.Serializable

    { // This is a non custom class // A's data -- omitted // A's constructors - omitted // A's methods -- omitted }

    public class B extends A {
    // B's data – omitted here
    // B's cobstructors – omitted here

    // This is a custom class
    private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream s)

    { .... }

    // Other methods omitted

    public class C extends B { // This is a non-custom class // C's data -- omitted // C's constructors - omitted // C's methods -- omitted }

    public class D extends C {
    // D's data – omitted here
    // D's cobstructors – omitted here

    // This is a custom class
    private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream s) { .... }

    // Other methods omitted

    Here we have a class inheritance hierarchy as D:C:B:A with A and C as non-custom classes, B and D as custom classes. What is the rmi-iiop data layout on the wire when an instance of D is marshaled in terms of customer header and data w.r.t. to each of the super classes? Which one of the following layout is correct?

    a. | A-Data | B-FV B-DWO B-Data | CData | FV-D DWO-D DData |

    b. | A-FV A-DWO A-Data | B-FV B-DWO B-Data | C-FV C-DWO C-Data | D-FV D- DWO DData |

    c. | A-FV A-DWO A-Data | B-Data | C-Data | DData |

    Terms used for illustration purpose here:

    A-FV ------ means the Format version octet for class A
    A-DWO ------ means the defaultWriteObject boolean flag for class A
    A-Data ----- means the data fields of class A.

    B-FV ------ means the Format version octet for class B
    B-DWO ------ means the defaultWriteObject boolean flag for class B
    B-Data ----- means the data fields of class B

    C-FV ------ means the Format version octet for class C
    C-DWO ------ means the defaultWriteObject boolean flag for class C
    C-Data ----- means the data fields of class C.

    D-FV ------ means the Format version octet for class D
    D-DWO ------ means the defaultWriteObject boolean flag for class D
    D-Data ----- means the data fields of class D.

  • Reported: JAV2I 1.2 — Fri, 7 Mar 2003 05:00 GMT
  • Updated: Wed, 11 Mar 2015 11:15 GMT