IEF-RA 1.0 FTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

IEFRA_ — Standard Fuzzy Bitmap Diagram Gripe

  • Key: IEFRA_-46
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Technical Director Emeritus ( Andrew Watson)
  • Summary:

    The SFBDG ("Standard Fuzzy Bitmap Diagram Gripe") applies. There are 48 figures in the specification, and at least the first 21 are bitmaps that look fuzzy at high magnification (after that I stopped checking). What's more, many are JPEGs, a file format designed for photographs and completely unsuitable for this sort of diagram. All the bitmap diagrams will need to be replaced with vector graphics (preferably in open standard SVG format).

    UML diagrams are best exported (in SVG format) from the UML tool being used to maintain the model. If your tool can't export SVG, there are many others that can, and some of the vendors generously offer free licences to OMG specification authors. If all else fails, take a look at this free tool that allows you to specify UML diagrams via textual commands, and exports the result as SVG:

    The free drawing tool Inkscape can also be used to edit SVG diagrams if required.

  • Reported: IEF-RA 1.0b1 — Thu, 27 Jul 2017 15:05 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — IEF-RA 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Correction to IEFRA-46

    Note: IEFRA-17 in FTF 1 was renumbered as IEFRA-46 in FTF 2.

    The SFBDG ("Standard Fuzzy Bitmap Diagram Gripe") applies. There are 48 figures in the specification, and at least the first 21 are bitmaps that look fuzzy at high magnification (after that I stopped checking). What's more, many are JPEGs, a file format designed for photographs and completely unsuitable for this sort of diagram. All the bitmap diagrams will need to be replaced with vector graphics (preferably in open standard SVG format).

    UML diagrams are best exported (in SVG format) from the UML tool being used to maintain the model. If your tool can't export SVG, there are many others that can, and some of the vendors generously offer free licences to OMG specification authors. If all else fails, take a look at this free tool that allows you to specify UML diagrams via textual commands, and exports the result as SVG:

    The free drawing tool Inkscape can also be used to edit SVG diagrams if required.

    (Comment) When originally created the version of MSword used would not present and SVG image. For FTF 1 - A set of SVG images was provided as an Auxiliary document (.zip). The current version of MSword presents SVGs, So all the PNG model images in the document were replaced with SVG images in the Reference Architecture and the auxilliary document eliminated.

  • Updated: Tue, 8 Oct 2019 17:56 GMT
  • Attachments: