Key: IEFRA_-166
Status: closed
Source: Advanced Systems Management Group Ltd. ( Mr. Michael Abramson)
In Clause 6.1, Para 1, Page 24, Replace “Specification” with “reference architecture”; Replace “who will use this profile to” with “seeking to”; replace “tools” with “products and services”; replace “support for the”; replace “interoperability” with “sharing and safeguarding”; replace “will have” with who seek”
What is "support for the" being replaced with?? Doesn't say.In Clause 9, para 1, page 71, Replace “will be defined to the”
What is "will be defined to the" being replaced with? Doesn't say -
Reported: IEF-RA 1.0b1 — Fri, 8 Mar 2019 01:56 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — IEF-RA 1.0
Disposition Summary:
Correction for IEFRA-166
1 - In Clause 6.1, Para 1, Page 24, Replace “Specification” with “reference architecture”; Replace “who will use this profile to” with “seeking to”; replace “tools” with “products and services”; replace “support for the”; replace “interoperability” with “sharing and safeguarding”; replace “will have” with who seek”
What is "support for the" being replaced with?? Doesn't say.In Clause 9, para 1, page 71, Replace “will be defined to the”
What is "will be defined to the" being replaced with? Doesn't say -
Updated: Tue, 8 Oct 2019 17:56 GMT
IEFRA_ — Amend IEFRA-42 Proposal
- Key: IEFRA_-166
- OMG Task Force: IEF Reference Architecture 1.0 FTF 2