I2JAV 1.3 NO IDEA Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

I2JAV13 — Package prefix specified at the IDL to Java translator

  • Key: I2JAV13-11
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Airbus Group ( Mr. Oliver M. Kellogg)
  • Summary:

    This is intended for the Joint Initial submission to the IDL4 to Java Language Mapping RFP,
    However, on filling in the OMG issue reporting form, I could not find a way to specify this; as a fallback, I reference the IDL to Java Mapping 1.3 (formal/08-01-11) to which the same issue also applies.

    Many of the IDL to Java translators support an option to specify a Java package prefix for the generated code (e.g. Oracle idlj option -pkgPrefix; JacORB option -i2jpackage; rtiddsgen option -package).
    This is not exactly equivalent to hard coding the prefix as modules in the IDL: When using the translator option, other language mappings do not see the prefix.

    The package prefix provided to the IDL translator may produce a conflict with names in the IDL file.

    // file: test.idl
    module test {
       enum com_t { zero, one };
       struct org_t {
          short foo;
       typedef string<16> net_t;
       struct structure {
          com_t com;   // "com" is in conflict when providing prefix option such as: com.acme
          org_t org;   // "org" is in conflict when providing prefix option such as: org.acme
          net_t net;   // "net" is in conflict when providing prefix option such as: net.acme

    Notice that the Java generated for this IDL does not compile but it does compile for other languages (C++, Ada, etc).

    Section 4.2 (Names) contains:

    In general IDL names and identifiers are mapped to Java names and identifiers with no change.
    If a name collision could be generated in the mapped Java code, the name collision is resolved by
    prepending an underscore (_) to the mapped name.

    Section 7.1.1 of mars/18-08-01 contains similar text.

    I suggest adding a further sentence:

    This also applies to name collisions caused by a Java package prefix specified at the IDL to Java translator.
  • Reported: I2JAV 1.3 — Wed, 3 Oct 2018 09:07 GMT
  • Updated: Tue, 16 Oct 2018 19:37 GMT