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I2JAV11 — Callback issue

  • Key: I2JAV11-61
  • Legacy Issue Number: 1586
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: IIOP only permits requests to flow in the direction that the underlying
    connection was opened. The Java sandbox only allows outbound
    connections. Consequently we are left with a situation where applets can
    only ever make outbound requests, callback objects can never be
    registered. For any sort of asynchronous notification pattern, this is a
    problem. (There is an obvious workaround with blocking calls and a
    waiting thread, but this sort of interaction should never be required of
    application developers.)

    Most products provide a means to handle callbacks in this situation,
    presumably via non-standard mechanisms, I am yet to explore how.

    It would seem that, from the point of view of those involved in this
    RTF, a standardised means to handle reverse calls over IIOP would be

    Is my reasoning flawed? Is there a revision going on elsewhere to
    address this? Is there interest in standardising this?

  • Reported: I2JAV 1.0 — Fri, 26 Jun 1998 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — I2JAV 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    closed issue

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:35 GMT