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  1. OMG Issue

I2JAV11 — Possible problem with IDL to Java mapping of fixed-point decimal types

  • Key: I2JAV11-121
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3668
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: SAP SE ( Evan Ireland)
  • Summary:

    I'm wondering how other folks interpret the following section from CORBA 2.3.1
    (for the CDR Transfer Syntax). Fixed-Point Decimal Type

    The IDL fixed type has no alignment restrictions, and is represented as shown in Table
    15-4 on page 15-13. Each octet contains (up to) two decimal digits. If the fixed type
    has an odd number of decimal digits, then the representation begins with the first (most
    significant) digit — d0 in the figure. Otherwise, this first half-octet is all zero, and the
    first digit is in the second half-octet — d1 in the figure. The sign configuration, in the
    last half-octet of the representation, is 0xD for negative numbers and 0xC for positive
    and zero values.

    I interpret this to mean that the encoded size of any given fixed-point
    decimal IDL type is determined statically according to the 'digits' and 'scale'
    in the fixed<digits,scale> IDL definition, rather than dynamically by the
    number of digits in the value to be encoded.

    Unfortunately if my interpretation is correct, there appears to be a problem
    in the IDL to Java mapping for fixed-point decimals, as we have
    in org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream:

    public void write_fixed(java.math.BigDecimal value) ...

    Since a Java BigDecimal has a scale but no precision, I would think there
    would be a problem if the BigDecimal value "1.23" was to be encoded as
    a fixed<5,2>, since the write_fixed method has no 'digits' parameter,
    so it doesn't know the correct size for the CDR encoding.
    The 'read_fixed' method on the InputStream class has similar problems.

    Has anyone encountered this issue before, and if so what was the resolution?

  • Reported: I2JAV 1.0 — Wed, 31 May 2000 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — I2JAV 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    see below

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:38 GMT