1. OMG Issue

FIBOFTF2 — Integrate Facilities and Virtual Places ontologies into the FIBO FND Places module

  • Key: FIBOFTF2-21
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Thematix Partners LLC ( Mrs. Elisa F. Kendall)
  • Summary:

    The SEC/Securities module requires concepts such as Facility, Site, and Venue, as well as NotionalPlace and VirtualLocation in order to properly define trading venues, physical and online exchanges, and so forth. Two additional ontologies have been developed to represent these concepts, derived from content from the semantics repository originally in the Places module. These new ontologies should be added to the FND/Places module in support of the SEC/Securities specification.

  • Reported: EDMC-FIBO/FND 1.0b1 — Tue, 23 Sep 2014 18:51 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — EDMC-FIBO/FND 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Integrate Facilities and Virtual Places ontologies into the FIBO FND Places module

    Model Changes - The following changes are to be made in the model. The corresponding diagrams and tables are generated from the model and are described in the section which follows.
     Add two new models to the EDMC-FIBO/FND/Places/ module: Facilities and VirtualPlaces.
     Update the specification metadata in AboutFND-1.0.rdf to include references to the new ontologies.

    Specification Changes - New ontologies in the Places Module, section 10.7
    Add two new sub clauses 10.7.4 and 10.7.5 within this sub-clause as follows:
    Sub-clause 10.7.4 is titled “Ontology: Facilities”
    Sub-clause 10.7.5 is titled “Ontology: VirtualPlaces”

    Under the title for sub-clause 10.7.4, replicate the text from the “sm:fileAbstract” annotation metadata element in the Facilities ontology.

    Insert a new diagram or diagrams after the file abstract text noted above and before the table which follows. This diagram or diagrams shall be taken directly from the source model for the Facilities ontology and shall comprise each of the diagrams in the model folder called “Spec Diagrams”. The figure number(s) is/are not known at this time but is to follow on from the last diagram in sub-clause 10.7.3.

    In sub-clause 10.7.4 add a new Table 10.34 “Facilities Ontology Metadata”. The content of this table is generated from the Facilities ontology.

    In sub-clause 10.7.4 add a new Table 10.35 “Facilities Details”. The content of this table is generated from the Facilities ontology.

    Under the title for sub-clause 10.7.5, replicate the text from the “sm:fileAbstract” annotation metadata element in the VirtualPlaces ontology.

    Insert a new diagram or diagrams after the file abstract text noted above and before the table which follows. This diagram or diagrams shall be taken directly from the source model for the VirtualPlaces ontology and shall comprise each of the diagrams in the model folder called “Spec Diagrams”. The figure number(s) is/are not known at this time but is to follow on from the last diagram in sub-clause 10.13.1.

    In sub-clause 10.7.5 add a new Table 10.36 “VirtualPlaces Ontology Metadata”. The content of this table is generated from the VirtualPlaces ontology.

    In sub-clause 10.7.5 add a new Table 10.37 “VirtualPlaces Details”. The content of this table is generated from the VirtualPlaces ontology.

  • Updated: Tue, 21 Apr 2015 01:18 GMT
  • Attachments: