1. OMG Issue

FIBOFND12 — The domain of the "uses" and range of "isUsedBy", added in FND 1.1, cause reasoning errors

  • Key: FIBOFND12-3
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Thematix Partners LLC ( Mrs. Elisa F. Kendall)
  • Summary:

    The "isUsedBy" property links a currency to the geopolitical entity that uses that currency, and was originally intended to be useful with not only autonomous agents but entities such as geopolitical entities in its range.

    The addition of the domain for uses and range for isUsedBy as a part of the FND 1.1 RTF work now cause individuals that are geopolitical entities to be inferred to be AutonomousAgents, which is wrong.

    The domain of uses and range of is used by should be removed, eliminating this constraint, and the definitions revised accordingly.

  • Reported: EDMC-FIBO/FND 1.1b2 — Sun, 12 Feb 2017 00:32 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — EDMC-FIBO/FND 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    The domain of the "uses" and range of "isUsedBy", added in FND 1.1, cause reasoning errors

    The correction to this issue involves loosening the domain and range restrictions on two properties: isUsedBy and uses in the Relations ontology, and revising the definition of uses so that it does not refer to an autonomous agent as the entity in the domain of uses.

    Resolution of this issue depends on the resolution to FIBOFND12-2.

  • Updated: Thu, 22 Jun 2017 16:43 GMT
  • Attachments: