1. OMG Issue

FIBOFND11 — Several properties involving dates require revision to leverage the FinancialDates ontology

  • Key: FIBOFND11-3
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Thematix Partners LLC ( Mrs. Elisa F. Kendall)
  • Summary:

    FinancialDates was introduced as a part of the FND FTF 1.0 activity. A number of properties, such as hasDateOfIssuance and hasExpirationDate in FND/Arrangements/Documents, hasEffectiveDate in FND/Agreements/Contracts, hasCommencementDate in FND/Parties/Parties, and possibly others should be revised to be children of hasDate in FND/DatesAndTimes/FinancialDates with a range of Date from the same ontology.

    The set of dates in FND that are defined as datatype properties rather than object properties should be reviewed as to whether or not they should become object properties that are children of hasDate with a range of the Date class as well.

  • Reported: EDMC-FIBO/FND 1.0 — Tue, 3 Mar 2015 17:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — EDMC-FIBO/FND 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Several properties involving dates require revision to leverage the FinancialDates ontology

    FinancialDates was introduced as a part of the FND FTF 1.0 activity. A number of properties, such as hasDateOfIssuance and hasExpirationDate in FND/Arrangements/Documents, hasEffectiveDate in FND/Agreements/Contracts, hasCommencementDate in FND/Parties/Parties, and possibly others should be revised to be children of hasDate in FND/DatesAndTimes/FinancialDates with a range of Date from the same ontology.

    The set of dates in FND that are defined as datatype properties rather than object properties should be reviewed as to whether or not they should become object properties that are children of hasDate with a range of the Date class as well.

    This issue affects section 10.4.1 Ontology: Parties, section 10.5.4, Documents, and 10.9.2 Contracts. The resolution of this issue is independent of other resolutions in the FND RTF 1.1 report.

    Revisions include revising the four date properties to have hasDate as a parent property, as discussed. In addition, minor errors in annotations (text), and the label on IndependentParty were corrected as well. In some cases, where the diagrams in the model did not match what was in the specification, those diagrams were also replaced. In particular, several diagrams in the Parties ontology were revised using the current notation and color scheme.

  • Updated: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 14:46 GMT
  • Attachments: