1. OMG Issue

FIBOFND11 — Missing a generic "hasAddress" property in the Addresses ontology

  • Key: FIBOFND11-29
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Thematix Partners LLC ( Mrs. Elisa F. Kendall)
  • Summary:

    There is a fundamental property "hasAddress" missing from the Addresses ontology in FND.

    We go right from the ultra-generic (and IMO pointless) "has" to very specific address properties such as hasOperatingAddress, hasPrimaryAddress etc. Further these are very restricted by domain (FormallyConstitutedOrganization).
    There is a clear and fundamental need to record the address of things generally including organization units, branches etc.

    In addition, we need concepts related to physical delivery address – so that the range of isRegisteredAddress in BE can be more accurately represented.

  • Reported: EDMC-FIBO/FND 1.0 — Wed, 10 Feb 2016 22:53 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — EDMC-FIBO/FND 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Missing a generic "hasAddress" property in the Addresses ontology

    There is a fundamental property "hasAddress" missing from the Addresses ontology in FND. We go right from the ultra-generic (and IMO pointless) "has" to very specific address properties such as hasOperatingAddress, hasPrimaryAddress etc. Further these are very restricted by domain (FormallyConstitutedOrganization). There is a clear and fundamental need to record the address of things generally including organization units, branches etc. In addition, we need concepts related to physical delivery address – so that the range of isRegisteredAddress in BE can be more accurately represented.

    This issue affects section 10.7.3 Ontology: Addresses, with downstream impact on Organizations and on People. The resolution of this issue is independent of other resolutions in the FND RTF 1.1 report.

    Revisions include modifying the Addresses ontology as discussed. In addition, and because of the overlap with changes in People, an additional issue, to change the “identifies <something>” properties of IdentityDocument to be “verifies <something>” was also incorporated into this resolution, together with moving a few altLabels to use the FIBO synonym annotation instead.

    Finally, also with respect to the definition of IdentityDocument, the RTF determined that because a passport can identify both a mother and child, the restriction that an identity document identifies exactly 1 person should be relaxed to be someValuesFrom person.

  • Updated: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 14:46 GMT
  • Attachments: