Key: DPP-1
Legacy Issue Number: 5647
Status: open
Source: Mercury Systems ( Jim Kulp)
Firstly in the spec at pg 28-19 there is an example of a generated
implied-IDL. The original IDL is specified thus:interface ParObj {
{ typedef float image [400][400]; typedef sequence<float> floatseq; image oper(in long x, in floatseq arg); }
typedef array float[400][400] Floats; // ??!!
Floats ParOperation(in long // ** ??
interface ParObj // again?;
};It seems to me that we should only take the second interface into
consideration (cut-paste error? -
Reported: DPP 1.0b1 — Thu, 26 Sep 2002 04:00 GMT
Updated: Sat, 7 Mar 2015 05:03 GMT