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  1. OMG Issue

DMN17 — Spec compliance issues with Chapter 11 example models.

  • Key: DMN17-69
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Montera Pty Ltd ( Greg McCreath)
  • Summary:

    Some aspects of the DMN 1.5 chapter 11 examples are not spec compliant. This applies to both examples.

    • 8.3.2 Decision Table Input and Output metamodel. "A RuleAnnotationClause SHALL have a name." The models have a number of decision table rule annotations that do not have names and are simply `<semantic:annotation/>`. Names are required. I suggest removing the annotations on all models.
    • typeRef on EncapsulatedLogic and invokables may only be a function type. The chapter 11 models have primitives as typeRefs (as well as "Any" in financial.dmn) on a number of BKM encapsulated logic expressions and variables.

    In section: "6.3.9 Business Knowledge Model metamodel", "Table 15: Invocable attributes and model associations". Re the "variable":

    > This attribute defines a variable that is bound to the function defined by the FunctionDefinition, allowing decision logic to invoke the function by name.

    It is bound to the function, not the function return type. There are assertions in the TCK for same. I suggest removing all the explicit typeRefs from all the BKMs and their associated variables in all models.

    • 6.3.10 Decision service metamodel. "A DecisionService element has one or more associated outputDecisions". Some models have decision services with no outputDecisions such as below. I suggest removing these from the models.

    <semantic:decisionService id="_5c111794-4c6b-4747-8dfc-99d2ad0b6313_DS" name="Diagram Bureau Strategy Decision Service" triso:dynamicDecisionService="true">
    <semantic:variable name="Diagram Bureau Strategy Decision Service" id="_e69084e3-2a45-49f1-9bd0-7da468de75f8" typeRef="Any"/>
    <semantic:decisionService id="_69750f88-f46f-4b47-bb3c-fb77f574f2b3_DS" name="Diagram Routing Decision Service" triso:dynamicDecisionService="true">
    <semantic:variable name="Diagram Routing Decision Service" id="_5bb6af75-1df6-4f84-a2c7-1e106a313c94" typeRef="Any"/>
    <semantic:decisionService id="_95e871bf-e58f-4976-b1bf-d9b220fdb2cb_DS" name="Diagram DRD for Credit Risk Analytics" triso:dynamicDecisionService="true">
    <semantic:variable name="Diagram DRD for Credit Risk Analytics" id="_b6a75564-fdf6-44ec-a1cf-2141befbc189" typeRef="Any"/>


  • Reported: DMN 1.5 — Sun, 18 Aug 2024 22:41 GMT
  • Updated: Wed, 4 Sep 2024 14:05 GMT