DDS-XTypes 1.4b1 RTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

DDSXTY14 — create_sample can't indicate failure

  • Key: DDSXTY14-75
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Object Computing, Inc. - OCI ( Mr. Frederick Hornsey)
  • Summary:

    As defined create_sample can only return the sample object. This doesn't allow the API to indicate that there was an error unlike other calls in DDS. Other operations either can't normally fail, return an interface that can be null, or return a ReturnCode_t. At least in the C++ Language Mapping, create_sample can return a struct or a union by value, so it can't be null in those cases (section 5.11). I imagine this might be different in other mappings though.

  • Reported: DDS-XTypes 1.3 — Wed, 5 Jun 2024 17:28 GMT
  • Updated: Mon, 1 Jul 2024 15:12 GMT