Key: DAF-35
Status: closed
Source: Toyota Motor Corporation ( Naoya Ishizaki)
Summary: Software Calibration & Verification & Validation
"Various frameworks to standardize and generalize software and to use them in various products universally are developed in order to reduce control software development cost and to improve efficiency of the process. Calibration is a process to tune parameters implemented in software according to the specific product requirements and target market environment. It is based on the possibility of using the same software for various products with varying parameters."
This is more an activity of developing software product lines rather than calibration V&V. It is normally done post-production over the course of several projects and not here as restructuring can change the size, performance, reliability, etc. It can also be done prior to starting the development to try to identify reusable features. At this stage, it is far too late. -
Reported: DAF 1.0b1 — Fri, 27 Feb 2015 02:01 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — DAF 1.0
Disposition Summary:
Propose to remove sentences
The following sentences are going to be removed as suggested, as the description contains some post-development activities.
Sentences to be removed;
"Various frameworks to standardize and generalize software and to use them in various products universally are developed in order to reduce control software development cost and to improve efficiency of the process. Calibration is a process to tune parameters implemented in software according to the specific product requirements and target market environment. It is based on the possibility of using the same software for various products with varying parameters." -
Updated: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 15:04 GMT