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  1. OMG Issue

DAF — Make example time-independent

  • Key: DAF-15
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Object Management Group ( Andrew Watson)
  • Summary:

    In section 8.1 of sysa/14-11-01, this sentence: "Recently, the USA FDA (Food and Drug administration) requires safety cases for introducing infusion pump" should be re-phrased so that it will still make sense if read in 5 or 10 years' time.
    A reference to this example, and also to the others in this paragraph, would be very useful.

  • Reported: DAF 1.0b1 — Thu, 5 Feb 2015 17:37 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DAF 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Add the year 2010.

    We will change the sentence as follows

    OLD :
    Recently, the USA FDA (Food and Drug administration) requires safety cases for introducing infusion pump.

    NEW :
    In 2010, the USA FDA (Food and Drug administration) requires safety cases for introducing infusion pump.

  • Updated: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 15:04 GMT