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CSRM — Add comments to 7.6.3 ExtRequirement source/Risk elements

  • Key: CSRM-31
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Dassault Systemes ( Mr. Daniel Brookshier)
  • Summary:

    We are missing the comments to source and risk of ExtRequirement. The elements also need to be printed in the specification. Other tag definitions are also not printed and thus need to be displayed.

  • Reported: CSRM 1.0a1 — Sat, 30 Apr 2022 21:53 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — CSRM 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    *Add comments to 7.6.3 ExtRequirement *

    Add the following text to 7.6.3 after the Generalization section. To be clear, when complete with all changes we have for 7.6.3, paragraph should look like this:

    The «ExtRequirement» is a mix-in stereotype that contains generally useful attributes for requirements.
    Note: This stereotype should be used instead of the «extendedRequirement» in the SysML non-normative extension of SysML
    • SysML::Requirements::Requirement
    • risk : RiskKind - Risk level of the requirement.
    • source : String - Source (originating person and/or organization) of the requirement.
    • /validatedBy : ValidationActivity[0..*] - The validatedBy is derived from all elements that are the client of a «validation» relationship for which this requirement is a supplier.
    • getValidatedBy - The query getValidatedBy() returns all the NamedElements that are suppliers ( "to" end) of a «Validation» relationship whose client is the element input parameter, ref.
    Validate.allInstances()->select(base Abstraction.client=ref).base_Abstraction.supplier

  • Updated: Tue, 27 Sep 2022 12:48 GMT