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CORBA35 — 'local executor mapping'

  • Key: CORBA35-52
  • Legacy Issue Number: 5937
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    @@ It seems to me that generating 'local executor mapping' for supported
    by a component interfaces is not needed. Even though spec doesn't say
    directly that it's needed or not there are plenty of examples where it is
    shown generated.

    @@ According to the spec the following IDL is valid

    interface I;
    component C

    { provides I i; };

    while this is not:

    interface I;
    component C
    { uses I i; };

    Any reason for that?

    @@ According to the spec Home cannot be forward-declared. Any reason
    for that?

    @@ The following CIDL is legal according to the spec:

    interface I;
    component C
    { provides I i; }


    home H manages C

    composition session Impl
    home executor H_Exec

    { implements H; manages C_Exec; };

    However there is no way to generate valid local executor mapping for this
    CIDL. The resolution would be to require all forward-declared interfaces
    used by component's provides declarations to be defined before composition
    for this component is seen. I.e. the following CIDL would be a corrected

    interface I;
    component C
    { provides I i; };

    home H manages C

    interface I {};

    composition session Impl
    home executor H_Exec
    { implements H; manages C_Exec; }


    @@ The following legal according to the spec IDL:

    module M
    module Components
    struct EnterpriseComponent {};

    component C {};

    would result in local executor mapping that looks something like this:

    module M
    module Components
    struct EnterpriseComponent {};

    component C {};

    module M
    local interface C : Components::EnterpriseComponent {};

    which is illegal IDL. The resolution would be to require names like
    Components::EnterpriseComponent to be fully qualified e.g.

  • Reported: CORBA 3.0.2 — Wed, 7 May 2003 04:00 GMT
  • Updated: Wed, 1 Feb 2023 21:59 GMT