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CORBA35 — Firewall Issue: Random BiDirIds can't be used for persistent POAs

  • Key: CORBA35-277
  • Legacy Issue Number: 7310
  • Status: open  
  • Source: ( Rebecca Bergersen)
  • Summary:

    The BiDir GIOP document specifies that all BiDirIds must be randomly generated. However, persistent POAs must use the same BiDirId across sessions since they are stored in the IOR.

    A new policy is created (BiDirIdGenerationPolicy) that contains two fields:
    field 1, the ID generation method, will take the value 'RANDOM' or the value 'REPEATABLE'
    field 2, the ID type, will take the value 'STRONG' or the value 'WEAK'

    The random generation method is adequately documented. The repeatable method will always generate the same BiDirId for a given POA. This effectively makes the ID a constant, but without the concern for storage. It also results in the end-user not having to deal with BiDirIds - they are handled entirely by the infrastructure.

    The values for the ID type indicate whether the type of BiDirId generated is strong or weak.

    This policy is placed on the client ORB and/or the POA in question.

  • Reported: CORBA 2.5 — Thu, 6 May 2004 04:00 GMT
  • Updated: Thu, 11 Jan 2024 17:06 GMT