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  1. OMG Issue

CORBA34 — The association of entity component primary key and PSS key is unclear

  • Key: CORBA34-52
  • Legacy Issue Number: 6684
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: National Lab, Distributed Process, China ( Deng Bo)
  • Summary:

    Issue: The association of entity component primary key and PSS key is unclear. There is only one attribute as the primary key in the CCM entity component, PSS has no primary key. An entity can be identified uniquely by the PSS key, but currently PSS permits several keys, and each PSS key can be composed of several attributes. Consequently, it is difficult to establish association between entity component primary key and PSS key, and the create and find methods can not to be mapped to the corresponding methods of PSS.

  • Reported: CORBA 3.0.2 — Sat, 6 Dec 2003 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — CORBA 3.4
  • Disposition Summary:


    This proposal was generated automatically by request of the Task Force Chair Adam Mitz.

  • Updated: Wed, 1 Feb 2023 21:59 GMT