Key: CORBA25-52
Legacy Issue Number: 4311
Status: closed
Source: Triodia Technologies Pty Ltd ( Michi Henning)
The table on page 15-31 (Table 15-3 "GIOP Message Types and Originators")
is in error. For CloseConnection, it shows that only the server can
send this message but, in GIOP 1.2, either client or server can send
the message, as detailed in 15.5.1 and 15.4.7.Also. in 15.4.7, we have:
In GIOP version 1.2 both sides of the connection may send
the CloseConnection message.That should be "must", not "may".
Reported: CORBA 2.4.2 — Thu, 17 May 2001 04:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — CORBA 2.5
Disposition Summary:
see above
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT