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CORBA25 — Problem with resolution to 4285 and 4306

  • Key: CORBA25-36
  • Legacy Issue Number: 4385
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Triodia Technologies Pty Ltd ( Michi Henning)
  • Summary:

    Please take a look at the resolution of issues 4285 and 4306 in
    > ptc/2001-06-08 - the RTF report that is up for recommendation to adopt
    > at this upcoming meeting, and see if they do not fix these problems.
    > 4285 fixes the BAD_OPERATION problem most definitely. 4306 seems to fix
    > the OBJ_ADAPTER problem too, although slightly differently from how you
    > suggest. If these fixes address the problem that you raise in your
    > message, could you please ask Juergen to not create an issue?I didn't CC issues, so I don't think Juergen will create an issue (at least,
    that was the intent). My apologies for the duplication. However, looking
    at 4285 once again, I think there may be a problem:

    In order to return something that means "ServantManager returned wrong
    servant type", I think the ORB core has to insert an active check
    at the point where the servant manager returns. If it doesn't, it will
    either get an unmarshaling error or return a BAD_OPERATION exception with
    some other minor code when it detects that the operation isn't in the
    function pointer table for the servant. In the latter case, the ORB won't
    know anymore why the operation is missing (for example, it could also
    be missing because the client used the DII to invoke a non-existent operation.)

    I am also not sure whether BAD_OPERATION is really the correct exception to
    use. To me, BAD_OPERATION tells the client "you invoked an operation that
    doesn't exist". If we give this exception to the client when it invokes
    an operation that's perfectly good, that's highly misleading because the
    actual problem isn't with the client, but with the servant manager.

    So, I think that using OBJ_ADAPTER, as I suggested, would be better.

    For the resolution to 4306, I think we also have something that is suboptimal.
    That's because minor code 2 say "Servant not found" in table 4-3. But
    I don't see how this is possible. Basically, a servant manager isn't allowed
    to return a null servant. If it can't find the servant, it's supposed to
    throw a system exception. So, a servant manager that returns null is simply
    broken and needs to be recoded. 4306 (by using "Servant not found" as
    the explanation of minor code 2) is misleading, because that condition simply
    can't happen.

    So, without trying to create a procedural mess, could we reconsider the
    resolution to these two issues, maybe for the next vote?

  • Reported: CORBA 2.4.2 — Sat, 23 Jun 2001 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — CORBA 2.5
  • Disposition Summary:

    Fix inconsistency as described below

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT