Key: CORBA23-230
Legacy Issue Number: 2155
Status: closed
Source: Anonymous
Summary: Section of ptc/98-10-11 includes the following statement wrt to
ObV chunking:"The data may be split into multiple chunks at arbitrary points except
within primitive CDR types, arrays of primitive types, strings, and
wstrings."Unfortunately, this provides only dubious benfits, but introduces
significant problems. Traditionally, CDR has been designed so that encoding
engines are only responsible for marshalling CDR primitives, and remain
independent of the actual constructed IDL type being marshalled. The above
clause violates this rule: the CDR stream must know that the primitives
being marshalled are part of an array, understand the size of the array,
distinguish sequences from arrays, etc.In addition, this is impossible to implement using the Java portable
streams. -
Reported: CORBA 2.2 — Fri, 30 Oct 1998 05:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — CORBA 2.3
Disposition Summary:
Updated: Sun, 8 Mar 2015 19:20 GMT