Key: CORBA23-186
Legacy Issue Number: 1164
Status: closed
Source: Anonymous
Summary: I"ve always been under the impression that CORBA does not have versioning.
it looks like we
actually do have versioning. Could someone please let me know what
the correct interpretation should be? Has this versioning stuff sort
of quietly snuck in via the back door?I find this section of the spec particularly stunning because a few pages
earlier, it says about #pragma directives:An IDL compiler must eithe rinterpret these annotations
as specified, or ignore them completely.So, on the one hand, we can happily ignore #pragma, and a few pages
later, we go and add semantics to the version pragma?! -
Reported: CORBA 2.2 — Wed, 22 Apr 1998 04:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — CORBA 2.3
Disposition Summary:
No Data Available
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:35 GMT