Key: CCCMP-15
Status: open
Source: Airbus Group ( Mr. Oliver M. Kellogg)
The UML Profile for CORBA and CCM on page 47 states:
The extended UML metamodel contains an abstract stereotype <<CORBATemplate>>, which is a generalization of <<CORBAString>>, <<CORBAWstring>>, and <<CORBASequence>> stereotypes.
The part about «CORBAString» and «CORBAWstring» inheriting from «CORBATemplate» does not fit with figure 8.7 on page 42 which shows that those stereotypes inherit from «CORBABounded».
According to the class diagram, the sentence should be:
The extended UML metamodel contains an abstract stereotype <<CORBATemplate>>, which is a generalization of <<CORBAArray>> and <<CORBASequence>> stereotypes.
Reported: CCCMP 1.0 — Fri, 9 Feb 2018 13:02 GMT
Updated: Mon, 12 Feb 2018 10:28 GMT