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  1. OMG Issue

CAD — problems in the EntityCreation interface.

  • Key: CAD-41
  • Legacy Issue Number: 4632
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: TranscenData ( Jim Jones)
  • Summary:

    Here is a quick itemization of necessary changes (most from Sergey and
    a few additional). Following the list is a modified section of the IDL
    that can be used to replace the corresponding lines in the existing
    CadMain.idl file. *** NOTE: Also need to add 'typedef sequence<LongSeq> LongSeqSeq;'
    to CadUtility.idl.

    Needs 'SeqSeq' of oriented_eloops instead of 'Seq'
    For consistency, arg should probably be 'oriented_edge_loops' instead of 'oriented_eloops'
    Does not need eloops, edges.
    Needs 'SeqSeq' oriented_edges instead of 'Seq'
    Needs 'SeqSeq' oriented_faces instead of 'Seq'
    Needs 'SeqSeq' oriented_shells instead of 'Seq'
    Ok (just included in IDL below for easier replacement of old IDL section)
    Need 'BooleanSeq senses'
    Need 'BooleanSeq senses'
    No vertices or vLoops needed
    For consistency, should probably be 'index_oriented_edge_loops' not 'index_oriented_edgeloops'
    Need 'Seq edge_loops' not 'Seq edges'
    Need 'BooleanSeq senses'
    Need 'Seq shells' not 'Seq ofaces'
    Need 'BooleanSeq senses'
    No vloops needed

    CadUtility::LongSeq index_faces(in CadUtility::LongSeqSeq oriented_edge_loops,
    in CadUtility::LongSeq vertex_loops, in CadUtility::LongSeq surfaces)
    raises (IncorrectIndex, CadUtility::CadError);
    CadUtility::LongSeq index_edge_loops(in CadUtility::LongSeqSeq oriented_edges)
    raises (IncorrectIndex, CadUtility::CadError);
    CadUtility::LongSeq index_shells (in CadUtility::LongSeqSeq oriented_faces)
    raises (IncorrectIndex, CadUtility::CadError);
    CadUtility::LongSeq index_bodies (in CadUtility::LongSeqSeq oriented_shells)
    raises (IncorrectIndex, CadUtility::CadError);
    CadUtility::LongSeq index_vertex_loops (in CadUtility::LongSeq vertices)
    raises (IncorrectIndex, CadUtility::CadError);
    CadUtility::LongSeq index_oriented_edges(in CadUtility::LongSeq edges,
    in CadUtility::BooleanSeq senses)
    raises (IncorrectIndex, CadUtility::CadError);
    CadUtility::LongSeq index_oriented_faces(in CadUtility::LongSeq faces,
    in CadUtility::BooleanSeq senses)
    raises (IncorrectIndex, CadUtility::CadError);
    CadUtility::LongSeq index_oriented_edge_loops(in CadUtility::LongSeq edge_loops,
    in CadUtility::BooleanSeq senses)
    raises (IncorrectIndex, CadUtility::CadError);
    CadUtility::LongSeq index_oriented_shells(in CadUtility::LongSeq shells,
    in CadUtility::BooleanSeq senses)
    raises (IncorrectIndex, CadUtility::CadError);

  • Reported: CAD 1.0b1 — Tue, 23 Oct 2001 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — CAD 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    see above

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT