C2MS 1.2b1 RTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

C2MS12 — Consider a Command Completed Publish Message

  • Key: C2MS12-66
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Kratos RT Logic, Inc. ( Mr. Mike Anderson)
  • Summary:

    The Command Response Message has in the XTCE-STATUS field the ability to convey if a message was executed and completed. However, this may be incomplete because it doesn't account for VCC checking or functional verification (the expected effect was attained after the command, as would be indicated in a changed TLM point).

    One possible solution is to add a new Command Completed Message that the command subsystem would send out after all checks to indicate that all the VCC Verification, Command Accept Verification and effected TLM (Functional Verification) were completed.

  • Reported: C2MS 1.0 — Tue, 16 Jul 2024 18:20 GMT
  • Updated: Wed, 24 Jul 2024 20:47 GMT